Keith Ovington Funeral Home

Funeral Pre-Arrangement Process

Take care of all the funeral pre-arrangement details and give you and your family the peace-of-mind you deserve.

Benefits of Funeral Pre-Planning

  • You choose exactly what type of services you would like to receive (traditional, memorial service, celebration of life, burial, cremation, etc.)
  • It ensures your wishes are carried out
  • It relieves your loved ones of future stress caused by having to rush through the planning process at a later time
  • Pre-paying for funeral services can protect you from inflation
  • It allows your family to focus entirely on grieving
  • Once pre-arrangement is taken care of, you can forget about it
Funeral pre-arrangement - Person typing

The Basics of 
Funeral Pre-Planning

For those who are looking to learn more about pre-planned funerals, here is a break-down of the funeral pre-arrangement process:
  • Set goals
  • Review limitations
  • Look at available options
  • Weigh the pros and cons of each option
  • Talk to others about the best options
  • Arrive at a final decision
In the case of funeral pre-arrangement, another two important steps are involved:
  • Write out your plan with as many details as possible
  • Send your plan to the funeral home and provide a copy to your executor
There are two ways for you to complete your funeral pre-arrangement plan.

For all Pre-Arranged and At-Need Funeral Services

please contact us at the numbers below

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