Keith Ovington Funeral Home

Estate Settlements

Survivors Pension & Children's Benefits

Survivor's Pension

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) survivor's pension is paid to the person who, at the time of death, is the legal spouse or common-law partner of the deceased contributor.

If you are a separated legal spouse and the deceased had no cohabiting common-law partner, you may qualify for this benefit.

For more information please see link:

Benefits for children under 25

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) children's benefits provide monthly payments to the dependent children of disabled or deceased CPP contributors.

The child must be either:

  • under age 18
  • between the ages of 18 and 25 and in full-time attendance at a recognized school or university.

There are two types of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) children's benefits:

  • A disabled contributor's child benefit for the child of a person receiving a CPP disability benefit – a monthly payment for a natural or adopted child or a child who is in the care and custody of the person receiving a CPP disability benefit.
  • A surviving child's benefit for the child of a deceased contributor – a monthly payment for a natural or adopted child or a child who was in the care and custody of the contributor at the time of death. For the benefit to be paid, the deceased contributor must have made sufficient contributions to the CPP.

A maximum of two benefits can be paid to a child.

For more information please see link:

Canada Pension Plan Survivors and Children’s Benefits Application & Information Sheet


Information Sheet:

Death Benefit

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) death benefit is a one-time, lump-sum payment to the estate on behalf of a deceased CPP contributor.

If an estate exists, the executor named in the will or the administrator named by the Court to administer the estate applies for the death benefit. The executor should apply for the benefit within 60 days of the date of death.

If no estate exists or if the executor has not applied for the death benefit, payment may be made to other persons who apply for the benefit in the following order of priority:

  • the person or institution that has paid for or that is responsible for paying for the funeral expenses of the deceased;
  • the surviving spouse or common-law partner of the deceased; or
  • the next-of-kin of the deceased.


Death Benefit Application & Information Sheet


Information Sheet:

Returning CPP Forms

For postal codes beginning with "L, M or N"
Service Canada
PO Box 5100 Station D
Scarborough ON M1R 5C8

For postal codes beginning with "K or P"
Service Canada
PO Box 2013 Station Main
Timmins ON P4N 8C8

For Disability applications only
Service Canada
PO Box 2020 Station Main
Chatham ON N7M 6B2

Applying for Marriage Certificate


Office of the Registrar General

P.O. Box 4600,

189 Red River Road,

Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6L8  1-800-461-2156

Or online:

Applying for Declaration of Common-law

Application for Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (Single Signature)

Health Card Cancellation

To cancel a family member’s health card following their death, please visit any ServiceOntario centre.

Bring the following with you:

  • the health card
  • a death certificate
  • This can be a death certificate from the funeral home or a certificate from ServiceOntario (a fee applies)

If you do not have a death certificate, you can complete a Change of Information Form.

Health Card Change of Information Form:

Order a Death Certificate

You may need several copies of the death certificate. For example, you may need it to make a life insurance claim, sell the house of the deceased person or apply for survivor benefits. 

Contact the authority in your province or territory to order copies of a death certificate.

If the person died outside Canada, you must get the certificate from the country where the death took place.


Office of the Registrar General

P.O. Box 4600,

189 Red River Road,

Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6L8         1-800-461-2156

Or online:

Estate after a death: To do

From Employment and Social Development Canada

On this page

Service Canada is the main point of contact to report a death to the Government of Canada.

What to do when someone dies

If the death occurred in a province:

You do not need to report the death to Service Canada. The Province will notify Service Canada.

If the death occurred in one of the territories or outside Canada:

You must report the death to Service Canada by providing:

  • proof of death, such as the statement of death from a funeral director, or a copy of the death certificate; and
  • the Social Insurance Number of the deceased person.

Submit the documents in person at your nearest Service Canada Centre or mail them to the following address:

Service Canada
Social Insurance Registration office
PO Box 7000
Bathurst NB E2A 4T1

If the person died outside Canada, the Canadian embassy or consulate in the country where the person died can tell you what steps to take. Consult the list of Canadian embassies and consulates.

Pensions, benefits and personal identification

If the deceased person was receiving a pension or benefits from an employer, you need to cancel them. You may also ask if survivor benefits are available.

People related to the deceased person may be eligible for Government of Canada benefits. Contact Service Canada to find out if benefits are available to the estate or legal representative from the following programs:

If you were married or in a common-law relationship with the person who died, you may be entitled to certain assets, even if you were not named in the will. You also need to cancel the personal identification of the deceased person:

Notify the Canada Revenue Agency

Contact the Canada Revenue Agency to settle the taxes of the person who has died, and to transfer benefits to a survivor. The Social Insurance Number of the deceased person is used to settle their taxes.

Close personal accounts

Once the estate has been settled, close any accounts that don’t need to be kept open.
For example:

  • chequing and savings accounts
  • registered accounts, such as Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Registered Retirement Income Funds, Tax-Free Savings Accounts or Registered Disability Savings Plans
  • investment accounts
  • utility accounts
  • credit cards
  • memberships or online accounts with regular fees

Contact the financial institution of the deceased person for more information.

To ensure that new credit is not fraudulently requested in the name of the deceased person, it’s a good idea to advise Canada’s two credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion, of the death.

Make a life insurance claim

To make a life insurance claim, you will likely need:

  • the policy number
  • a claim form from the person’s insurance provider
  • a copy of the death certificate

If you can’t locate the insurance policy, contact the OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance.

Once you’ve made a life insurance claim, there may be a delay before the beneficiaries receive the payment. This will depend on things such as how long the person held the policy and how they died. You may need to consider opening an estate account with the financial institution of the deceased person, to deposit life insurance proceeds payable to their estate.


For more information see link:

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